{"status":404,"reasonKey":"com.atlassian.pocketknife.api.commons.error.AnError","helpCenterBranding":{"logoUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/0631f7ca-2c99-4512-a2ea-89335e2905c3/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIxYjRlNTY5My04ZjMxLTRjM2EtOTBmZS01NWNkNzM0OGYyMWUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOjA2MzFmN2NhLTJjOTktNDUxMi1hMmVhLTg5MzM1ZTI5MDVjMyI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3Mjg1MTUyMTgsIm5iZiI6MTcyODUxNDYxOH0.6_9B0XvaGlwLDoMXY8svjI8cjr6ncfC7GsnVBp34jvE&client=1b4e5693-8f31-4c3a-90fe-55cd7348f21e&mode=fit","logoId":"0631f7ca-2c99-4512-a2ea-89335e2905c3","isLogoAvailable":true,"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the Genie Health Help Center","sharedPortalName":"Genie Health Help Center","userInitialAnnouncementHeader":"Hello Genie member! How can we assist you today?","userInitialAnnouncementMessageWiki":"<p>Please select a topic from below if you are seeking further insight into Genie Health's Services. If you are requests further assistance please follow the correlating support portal to complete a support ticket in its entirety for a prompt response from our support team. The more details you can provide will help the team resolve your issues quickly and efficiently. If you need immediate medical support, please contact your provider or dial 911 if it is an emergency.</p>\n<p>If you are unable to connect on a video call please try the following actions:</p>\n<p>*What is your Connection type? Wifi and a fairly strong connection is required for optimal connection.</p>\n<p>*How are you joining the call? Via the link or via the app? The preferred browser if Chrome and for patients it is advised to join through the mobile application downloaded from your devices app store.<br> ***Users can screen mirror their smart device to TVs and external monitors for a larger screen via Apple TV, etc.</p>\n<p>*Close out any other applications the background that utilize the camera and mic permissions that will interfere with connecting to the PT Genie video call.</p>\n<p>*Is your Genie Health application up to date?</p>\n<p>*Is your device updated?</p>\n<p>*Last resort is to uninstall the application, power down the device and reinstall the app.</p>\n<p>*The provider can also share the direct room ID link from patient profile available during the call to ensure correct link access by the patient.</p>\n<p>Please submit a ticket if you continue with technical difficulties.</p>","translations":{"en-US":{"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the Genie Health Help Center","sharedPortalName":"Genie Health Help Center","announcementHeader":"Hello Genie member! How can we assist you today?","announcementMessage":"Please select a topic from below if you are seeking further insight into Genie Health's Services. If you are requests further assistance please follow the correlating support portal to complete a support ticket in its entirety for a prompt response from our support team. The more details you can provide will help the team resolve your issues quickly and efficiently. If you need immediate medical support, please contact your provider or dial 911 if it is an emergency.\n\nIf you are unable to connect on a video call please try the following actions: \n\n*What is your Connection type? Wifi and a fairly strong connection is required for optimal connection.\n\n*How are you joining the call? Via the link or via the app? The preferred browser if Chrome and for patients it is advised to join through the mobile application downloaded from your devices app store.\n***Users can screen mirror their smart device to TVs and external monitors for a larger screen via Apple TV, etc.\n\n*Close out any other applications the background that utilize the camera and mic permissions that will interfere with connecting to the PT Genie video call.\n\n*Is your Genie Health application up to date?\n\n*Is your device updated?\n\n*Last resort is to uninstall the application, power down the device and reinstall the app.\n\n*The provider can also share the direct room ID link from patient profile available during the call to ensure correct link access by the patient. \n\nPlease submit a ticket if you continue with technical difficulties.\n","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#3dc6f2","helpCenterTitleColor":"#ffffff","bannerMediaApiUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/5270c2b3-082d-47fb-9fac-8e521e8b27be/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIxYjRlNTY5My04ZjMxLTRjM2EtOTBmZS01NWNkNzM0OGYyMWUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOjUyNzBjMmIzLTA4MmQtNDdmYi05ZmFjLThlNTIxZThiMjdiZSI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3Mjg1MTUyMTgsIm5iZiI6MTcyODUxNDYxOH0.-h_GDwbH0elA8kGyNubhW4xJk-G4YXZJe34xLRB-Tq0&client=1b4e5693-8f31-4c3a-90fe-55cd7348f21e&height=300&mode=fit","bannerMediaApiFileId":"5270c2b3-082d-47fb-9fac-8e521e8b27be","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":true},"errorMessages":["Project was not found"],"errorLogoClass":"default-error","nextActionUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/user/login?destination=portals","nextActionDisplayText":"Log in"}